Boilerplate accessibility statements offload the burden of accommodation onto students, asking that they meet with other departments to legitimize their disability. This experience can be not only inaccessible due to overwhelmed Disability Resource offices, but humiliating for students who are coming to grips with a recent diagnosis.
I foreground accessibility in my courses, designing lessons, materials, and activities with accessibility as the foundation rather than the afterthought. This extends to my syllabus: my accessibility policy uses communication, empathy, and care (not legitimization) as a foundation.
My current accessibility policy is below; I am always tinkering with this policy, trying to find the right words to express how complex disability in the academy is. Please feel free to adapt and use.
My thanks to Lee Hibbard and Allegra W. Smith for some of the language I have adapted within this policy. All external links have been removed to allow for easy customization.
I believe that everyone has the right to the full educational experience granted to them by admission and tuition payments to this institution, and that everyone has different needs when it comes to accessing that experience. It is my goal to make my classes as accessible as possible to any and all students who walk through the doors (or access its digital space). As a disabled and chronically ill person, my goal here is to encourage open communication; so if you need anything to ensure you get the most out of this class, don’t hesitate to contact me via email or drop by my office.
If you are seeking accommodations from the Disability Resource Center, you should contact them at their email address ( or phone number (765-494-1247). However, I do not require accommodation letters from my students. If you have any condition that impacts your learning, diagnosed or otherwise, I am more than willing to work with you to ensure you get the most out of this class.
Likewise, if you have any major mental health issues and are looking for assistance, you have resources available to you here on campus. If you (or someone you know) is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and/or in need of support, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) via their website or by calling 765-494-6995. I am aware, however, that CAPS tends to have a long waiting list and a complex process for students to gain access to mental health care, so know that while I am not a medical mental health professional, I can work to accommodate your needs as best I can.
Above all, again, if you reach out to me, we can work together to make a plan. I am happy to do what is necessary to help you succeed.